Awaken in the moment mists climb the mountain

Writing three words; Not a word ―
on molten fragile leaves the winds have thrown around

I hasten there, up to, close to almond trees in its new,
refilling calm and leaving behind tears from a joyous
that will soon trickle me away fast against this world
as missed moments of beauty finds sorrows for days

Eagles and ravens follow through the valley glen
home to how Wind caresses the clouds slightly ― Home

Here ― over these chamomilestrewn tracks that meanders
on a gathered freodpath far away from the wound’s revilers

Hold me as one always awaited, present and sorely missed,
owning these memories that was worthy to be left alone
and continue to blossom sweetly here, even after my death

Shifting ―
Moving eyes between Light and the afterglow of darkness

The night has torn itself, sending lovewords to the Universe again,
kissing the stars eyes softly, tenderly, without any frailty to remain

Read 181 times
Written on 2023-09-27 at 08:58

Tags Light  Ragnarok  Right 

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