Second thoughts

You never should regret a moment of your past
or any action that you ever managed to survive,
while you never should ignore your second thoughts,
your doubts is actually the main foundation of your life,
the urge that always will continue keeping you alive
and drive you on incessantly for your development and education,
something of a dark and haunting shadow that will never leave you,
but at the same time a definite manifestation
of your ghost and spirit and your life,
like a manifestation of your conscience,
and you can never have enough of them.
They are in many ways your guardian angel
keeping you in balance and in equilibrium
as you cross over on a tightrope
the tremendous falls of Niagara
that constitute your course of life.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 101 times
Written on 2023-10-02 at 01:31

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