* * *
that rages in my body
and never fades away
You poured mercilessly
into my life
like crystal clear waters
And now
I'm thirsty for more,
much more
You rummaged
through my soul
and found a place to hide
You set it alight
with a renegade spark
crashing into my heart
You are a fire
that won't die out
a storm that never fades.
Poetry by Nathalia
Read 190 times
Written on 2023-10-16 at 09:58
Tags Love 
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You are the stormthat rages in my body
and never fades away
You poured mercilessly
into my life
like crystal clear waters
And now
I'm thirsty for more,
much more
You rummaged
through my soul
and found a place to hide
You set it alight
with a renegade spark
crashing into my heart
You are a fire
that won't die out
a storm that never fades.
Poetry by Nathalia
Read 190 times
Written on 2023-10-16 at 09:58
Tags Love 
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