Poem by Eugene Field (1850-1895)


Submitted by a Volunteer -- Thanks!

When The Poet Came


    The ferny places gleam at morn,
    The dew drips off the leaves of corn;
    Along the brook a mist of white
    Fades as a kiss on lips of light;
    For, lo! the poet with his pipe
    Finds all these melodies are ripe!

    Far up within the cadenced June
    Floats, silver-winged, a living tune
    That winds within the morning's chime
    And sets the earth and sky to rhyme;
    For, lo! the poet, absent long,
    Breathes the first raptures of his song!

    Across the clover-blossoms, wet,
    With dainty clumps of violet,
    And wild red roses in her hair,
    There comes a little maiden fair.
    I cannot more of June rehearse--
    She is the ending of my verse.

    Ah, nay! For through perpetual days
    Of summer gold and filmy haze,
    When Autumn dies in Winter's sleet,
    I yet will see those dew-washed feet,
    And o'er the tracts of Life and Time
    They make the cadence for my rhyme.


More information on Eugene Field


Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 165 times
Written on 2023-11-06 at 13:19

Tags American  Childhood  19thc 

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