Poem by Pamelia Sarah Vining (1826-1897)   

AKA Pamelia Sarah Yule; J. C. Yule  


Submitted by a Volunteer -- thanks!



        Over my window in pencillings white,
    Stealthily traced in the silence of night - 
    Traced with a pencil as viewless as air,
    By an artist unseen, when the star-beams were fair,
    Came wonderful pictures, so life-like and true
    That I'm filled with amaze as the marvel I view.

        Like, and yet unlike the things I have seen, - 
    Feathery ferns in the forest-depths green,
    Delicate mosses that hide from the light,
    Snow-drops, and lilies, and hyacinths white,
    Fringes, and feathers, and half-opened flowers,
    Closely-twined branches of dim, cedar bowers - 
    Strange, that one hand should so deftly combine
    Such numberless charms in so quaint a design!

        O wondrous creations of silence and night!
    I watch as ye fade in the clear morning light, - 
    As ye melt into tear-drops and trickle away
    From the keen, searching eyes of inquisitive Day.
    While I gaze ye are gone, and I see you depart
    With a wistful regret lying deep in my heart, - 
    A longing for something that will not decay,
    Or melt like these frost-flowers in tear-drops away, - 
    A passionate yearning of heart for that shore
    Where beauty unfading shall last evermore;
    Nor, e'en as we gaze, from our vision be lost
    Like the beautiful things that are pencilled in frost!



More information on Pamelia Sarah Vining


Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 145 times
Written on 2024-02-05 at 00:20

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