The Buddhahood of my Mother
The final question
all these stars
in my chest
as I spread my arms
and notice
the glowing redshift
of my distant hands
shooting through the lightyears
A circular hole
on top of my
a way out!
I am the personalized
Big Bang
by electromagnetic waves
and showers of
resting in the luge
sliding track
of curving space
realizing the Buddhahood
of my mother,
recognizing the lowpass
underdog curiosity
of my bewildered father
on his righteous passage
through bondager decades
I can but be here
wild-eyedly reinforced by the now,
pulled out
of the sorcerer's hat
surrounded by the spinning tops
of worlds
Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin
Read 100 times
Written on 2024-02-12 at 11:03
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