I am away from home for a while and I feel my house misses me

Will you miss me?

Night falls the walls go alone
My chair sits there waiting
Waiting for me in longing
Do you miss me my curtains
the stairs that go up and down
I get tears when I see the bed
Lying down alone missing me
The curtains stand in silence
My mother's prayer mat is empty
She is away for a while
My flowers and gardens miss her
The carpet longs to kiss her feet

Poetry by MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 133 times
Written on 2024-05-14 at 17:16

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MIRZA AHMER BEG The PoetBay support member heart!
Thanks dear for taking time to read my work ,it's really encouraging .why do they work against you ,😁

Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
A very unique concept, I feel. I love the last two lines!
In my case inanimate objects work against me, but clearly they wouldn't dare do that to you. :) Blessings, Allen