''What Beauty Is (To The Geometrist)'' Reprised
What beauty is (to the geometrist),is the shape of the Golden Ratio!
Beauty is courage, the defiant fist
of a protector fear can't overthrow.
Beauty, likewise, is a prince's sworn vow,
to defend his city, child, and lady-lover.
What beauty is, is the King, who can show
Paris forgiveness (for treason discover'd).
What beauty is not, is false beauty cover'd
by artifice and soft, insincere light;
what beauty is not, is false show uncover'd,
displayed, and flaunted, wirelessed day and night.
What beauty is, ultimately, is your face:
which even shames Helen of the Trojan race.
Sonnet by Ngoc Nguyen
Read 151 times
Written on 2024-05-24 at 21:02
Tags Beauty  Helen  Troy 
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