From nowhere

The war has never left me.
I am fighting it still every day of my life,
even if it mostly consists of only shadows,
but those shadows are so dark
that they overshadow all realities,
which pale and vanish at the mere reminder
of what had to be survived and endured
with infinite fatigue and hardships of no end,
that left imperishable scars that still will bleed forever
especially in the very depths of sensitivity
in the forever crying languishing tormented soul.
Don’t ask me any more about it,
just the losses were more devastating as disasters
than any human catastrophe could ever be.
Don’t take me wrong:
I never was or could be turned into a crybaby
as I never could feel sorry for myself,
while all my tears of blood were shed for others.

Poetry by Christian Lanciai The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 95 times
Written on 2024-06-02 at 23:36

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
it's a tough testimony
like the one of a veteran