

I’m hiding

in the back of my life, crouching

in a blurry transparence of passwords

and wrong places at the wrong times

- but freshly laid asphalt roads,

reworked from bottom up

to facilitate heavy military vehicles,

make road biking smooth, sweepy

and head windy


On the opposite side of Something

lies Nothing


I go where the compass points


I break out of the chains of irresistibility,

into the openness

of David Hinton’s DESERT,

generously allowed with empty spaces,

relief and white pages

sparsely ornate with distant words

and mountains; an eagle on the thermals,

but I remain an unidentified moment

in the void of eternity,

flowing in a sea of ancient breaths,

thirteen billion years old light tapping

on my consciousness,

patterns putting up resistance

in a denial travelled by Voyager I & II


Light shimmers on the ocean


The mountains wrinkle their crevasses,

and erode into sandy plains

Poetry by Ingvar Loco Nordin The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 53 times
Written on 2024-09-06 at 12:17

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Drawn in by the first few lines, then enjoyed the unpredictability of the rest of the piece through to the descriptive fitting final two lines.

alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
very good