Lesson 55
I break windows with my face in the United States:I break bonds and brotherhoods:
steal then sell stolen goods: make peace
with misfits round midnight post fights,
bloody knuckled, baring broken teeth:
carve the street curb with sweat, soot, and feces:
face feminine wiles willfully or not:
howl at a concrete moon of the side of some rot/
/ten motel: make allowances for myself
through the gift of hard liquor then hear death approach
quicker only to take a left before it reaches my lane:
scream bloody murder in the middle of some highway,
puking blood to paint poems about another suicide:
through a side eye see yesterday’s car wreck:
hear a voice that says I wanna take a ride, but
the door’s locked, so I do what I do what I do best:
I break windows with my face in the United States.
Poetry by Sameen

Read 52 times
Written on 2024-12-01 at 15:21