December 25, 2024. (Happy Holidays everyone!)


A hug is only as comforting as its embrace lasts,
A candle's light only as warm as before it fades to black
I seek infinity and company but on this December wind
My screams can only crawl back

I feel that cold air and tell myself it is
The gods breathing down my swan neck
I pull my sweater up onto my red ears and nose,
Fight the urge to pull stray thread to see how far it goes.

Poetry by aidan haskel The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 74 times
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Written on 2024-12-25 at 14:12

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Your poem has been chosen to be featured on the home page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting on our poetry website!

arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
Loving this poem but that last line was the surprise favourite since experiencing giving in to the temptation of making an expedition of finding out how much unraveling that stray thread’s got!