this is about a lost love of mine
What is this thing
Called love
How can one word
Mean so much
I mean it's kind of pointless
It makes you feel
Jealous as does every thing
And of course
Maybe why this is
Is because you are insecure
With what's around you
And about you
It's taking a chance
It's getting your heart broken
Or ripped to shreds
Or mended back together
Maybe this feeling
Doesn't exist at all
Maybe it just explains
An unexplainable feeling
But it still really
Hurts to find out
What this one word
Really means
Poetry by kayla
Read 761 times
Written on 2006-08-07 at 00:33
Tags Love 
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One Word
What is this thing
Called love
How can one word
Mean so much
I mean it's kind of pointless
It makes you feel
Jealous as does every thing
And of course
Maybe why this is
Is because you are insecure
With what's around you
And about you
It's taking a chance
It's getting your heart broken
Or ripped to shreds
Or mended back together
Maybe this feeling
Doesn't exist at all
Maybe it just explains
An unexplainable feeling
But it still really
Hurts to find out
What this one word
Really means
Poetry by kayla
Read 761 times
Written on 2006-08-07 at 00:33
Tags Love 

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