my friend and i wrote this for all of our broken hearts

Broken Hearts

* sitting alone in my room i start to think of you. Floating around my head causing meltdowns so strong i can think of no one but you. Get out! Get out of my head. I don't need you anymore. Go away little boy run home to your mommy. Cry scream yell it won't help you anymore. Leave it at that. You're not welcome in my heart in my head by my side...
*or my soul that wonders aimlessly without you, leaving me helpless and feeling the most bittersweet sorrow longing for your caress one touch form you leaves me most satisfied and such a passionate kiss makes me cry. Inside your heart is where you no longer reside one last kiss my heart breaks my soul dies...
*seeing you now has my head going what would have happened if you were still here. What will happen if I let you back into my life? stop I cant think like this you cant come back no more heartache no more I said but then why does my head always go back to you to the memories that breaks my heart into pieces...
*which shatters with every move you make so now once more there's no more sorrow I can take I'm showing you the door even as my heart breaks then soon I will be able to breathe the breath that you had taken away revive my soul my spirit my heart you had forsake I will go on once more my broken heart as a token with all the pain that hits its core with the last words you've spoken as seconds go by with a gun at your head I let out a sigh which will lead to your death as I whisper and cry one last thing one last thing not said I pull the final trigger "I love you and good bye"

Poetry by kayla
Read 1475 times
Written on 2006-08-07 at 19:57

Tags Pain  Broken  Hearts 

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