I would like to hear your thoughts about the poem, and what its about;)

How sour a raspberry can taste

How sour a raspberry can taste
When you are as clear in your head like glass

Give me a lemon
Something sweet I can nibble on

Cause they're calling now
So ramble on

You everyday man
It can might as well be you they are calling for
Those people dressed in white
with their ribbons and white candy in a jar

Oh how sweet a raspberry can taste
when you are as clear in your head like a puddle of mud

Poetry by Evelyn
Read 616 times
Written on 2006-08-09 at 18:25

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Zachary P. B.
i like this idea, the use of different perspectives and being "clear in your head"...

you pulled in people from the asylum with the white coats, that makes me giggle a little bit. hehe

personally i really like raspberries, so maybe i'm just a little bit illusioned? =)

i really liked this.
