Cold winds

Cold wind sweeps the black asphalt
Something white fall from the sky

Where I stand, it `s still summer
A warm wind plays in my hair

On the road, there is people
I cant see who they are
Some lies on the ground
I cant see who it is
White pieces of sheet falls from the sky
Like powder snow

Suddenly I recognize the person among the white and black
It's my twin sister

I can see her clearly now
I `m waving at her, calls out here name

Telling her to hurry or we'll miss first lesson

She doesn't answer
She never will

Suddenly, it is no longer summer
Suddenly, I can feel the cold winds

Poetry by Evelyn
Read 947 times
Written on 2006-08-10 at 23:08

Tags Death 

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Intensely lovely, excellent poise and vibrance!

Zachary P. B.
reality? fiction? all so mixed up... like the world...

i love how you describe the confusion by saying it's snowing in summer...

She doesn't answer
She never will

Suddenly, it is no longer summer
Suddenly, I can feel the cold winds

loved it. bookmarked.