Searching for the Answer

There's a man sitting by the wall
With food he hasn't touched at all
He was staring off into space
Deep thought was written on his face
His eyes were looking listlessly
Searching for something none can see
Trying to find meaning to life
To help him cope with all his strife
But his search was not going well
He had some trouble you could tell
He left the restaurant that night
Still knowing something is not right
He paid for his uneaten food
To find another place to brood
Until he finds what he's searched for
Unlocking new things to explore

Poetry by Michael G
Read 877 times
Written on 2006-09-03 at 17:49

Tags Searching  Longing 

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I know the feeling.
Its a very good poem.
Thanks for sharing!

Each person seeks.
And that's probably why we are here - to reflect so that each seeker finds the meaning and the image and likeness of their Creator in their life.

And for those of us who have found the Answer, we seek much more fervently to grow in intimate relationship with the living Answer, without whom nothing that was created would have not been created. John says it better than I could ever hope to.

One particular moment in history, the Answer became real and tangible to us in a small town called Bethlehem.