Don't you wish you could make time stop whenever you wanted it to?

A moment in forever

Tell me have you heard the tale
Of an unsuspecting bunch
Who set off down a forest trail
With plans to have some lunch

They did not know what lay before
Nor what they left behind
There laughter rang as on they bore
There hands were intertwined

When they stopped to take a break
And eat what they had brought
They sat beside an azure lake
God surely must have wrought

They ate and talked about their love
Safe in each others arms
And gazed up at the sky above
For they felt safe from harm

Then something happened by that lake
Forever stretched and grew
For this wish they both chanced to make
"Forever I'll be with you"

You can see them till this day
For age they will never
For they are the ones that can say
"I trapped a moment in forever"

Poetry by Michael G
Read 1430 times
Written on 2007-06-15 at 03:51

Tags Love  Relationships  Time 

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Real nice read. Liked the last line.