As a child growing up in 1950s England I always played a 'Red Indian' in the street game 'Cowboys and Indians'. It must have rubbed off because in later life I studied the archaeology of native Americans at university. I'm still an Indian at heart.

A Short History of the American Indian

You say we came from the deserts of Asia,
Across the Bering isthmus in the Wisconsin,
Following the big mammals all the way down
To the fragile finger of Tierra del Feugo.

Our bones have been found.

What does it prove?

We say we came from the Great Spirit
Who cleaved the Rockies and freed us,
Tumbling out like a cascading waterfall
To chase the sad, sacred buffalo.

Our bones have ben found.

What does it prove?

It doesn't matter what is myth
As long as the reality is our own.

Chris Fernie, 2006

Poetry by Chris Fernie
Read 532 times
Written on 2006-09-05 at 09:59

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keith nunes
nice one chris. i have a soft spot for the native american. i've read of cochise and geronimo and many others and find their cultures and bravery inspiring.