I'm crying because it feels like I'm dying

Have you ever felt your head spin
Or that your knees can't carry you
Like you've had a bad trip
or a virus eating your brain for supper

When your feet fall asleep
and you struggle to breathe
When you freeze
although everybody else is sweating

When you have no strength in your fingers
and your vision is a blur
When all your joints are aching
and your neck is to weak to carry the weight of your head

I'm not crying because I feel sorry for myself
I'm crying because it feels like I'm dying
by the grip of my own body
My soul just can't breathe

Please, call 911

Words by Natalie
Read 1122 times
Written on 2006-09-10 at 17:15

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I've never been there but I wish I could help you.
You still have the brainpower its not taken over completely
If only I could help.Be strong

Nice honey ^^ you can write even when your sick :) hehe, hope you get better soon my dear, I miss you so...

loads and loads of love
yours peter

This was kind of nice. Like the beginig and the ending.


This poem really touched me very deeply

I tell you your medicine is only your love Peter ;)

Hoppas du blir bättre snart gumman