Have you got it in you?

Where do we go from here?
Not a word spoken
Since I spoke mine
Can't get beyond the questions we created

I want to run in fields
paint the kitchen
and love someone
I can't do any of that here, can I?

I could be tracing patterns on your back
Softly stroking your hair
And then a kiss...
maybe another
and another one
Oh, the morning light on your skin
This is all I want in the whole world

Can't help but to love, but you
Have you got it in you?

Poetry by Natalie
Read 1279 times
Written on 2010-03-23 at 17:59

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Natalie...

Lovely poem...

And to answer your question, "Yes, I've got it in me"

xxx Stan

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

This is a very touching poem. Charlie