it was a long weekend, we'd just lost a very important game. we were supposed to go out as a team after, but i never got the call, so i went elsewhere. bad move

Cup Match

There's a chamber in my heart
you used to fill
Before you came to your own conclusions
And stopped responding.

A crevice, expanding,
Engulfing all sense
The great divide
Slowly separating the continent.

So, thanks for the update
Thanks for the non-existent
Marker of care
Of course you'll never give.

Did you go through with plans unspoken,
Meet by the gate, the train tracks,
Somewhere easy, somewhere central
Somewhere I would not be told.

Crack open the cans
Prise the caps with
your fingers, chunks
Deep as layered scars.

Keep on piling
Course, the days do keep rolling,
Widening the chasm
So every time it's full of mud.

Stoning, believe me you could,
At least your shouts would be lessened
The slap-back would reduce
And I would not be so tempted

To go for the synthesised,
Even better than the real thing,
So long as I lose consciousness
And wash away the pain.

But, of course failure occurred
And the next best thing was taken.
Still, I waited for your signal,
A torch light in this tunnel

But it never came
And I'm still locked in this pit

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 599 times
Written on 2006-09-14 at 01:31

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Zachary P. B.
wow, caila, just wow...

i mean, this poem just resonates with emotion... emptiness, disappointment, regret... i feel that and so much more... so much history and life, in just a few stanzas...

caila magic. =)


Every bad move, sets the path to a better move and a beautiful day!!!

keith nunes
rivetting poem! wonderfully understated