about an argument had before a friend went on a big trip...and not resolving it in time

Trivial Flare-Ups

What, and wherefore now?
The fire in my eyes
As smoke pours through my nose,
And my scales stand on end.

Gained enough to lose you?

You know I am passionate in thought,
And profusely blunt in speech
When I feel like it.

Silent brooding,
Seething galore
Murmuring growls, and teeth clenching

What if you were leaving?

It's not as if I didn't try.
With my wheels spinning
And in top gear I raced

To your door,
The double wooden rectangles motionless,
Gates knocked down
Yet impenetrable
And your reply, hours too late.

So, what if you passed mourning the unsaid?
What if you passed immersed in vinegar like me?
When will I know if you've passed?

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 1227 times
Written on 2006-12-29 at 03:51

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Zachary P. B.
so real. i like it. long time no read, what goes down under caila?