When love is not really love; you give it your all and receive nothing but hurt...

Your Love...

Your love is like a breaking wave of the seas
Beautiful to watch, mystifying to what it conceals
Surfing with dolphins, hunting with seals
Turning my back, credulously dropping my guard
Everlasting waves crushing my soul, my heart
Desolating aid by life- and coast guard

Your love is like a whisper in the forest
Enticing to enter, in a moment of lust
Dancing to the chorus chanted by birds, creation of trust
Navigating through a maze, blinded by a storm of dust
Following the pseudo clues en route, believe I must
Discovering the echo of your voice, all covered in rust

Your love is like unforeseen rain
Surprising at first, from a cloud so main
Quenching my thirst, nourishing my brain
Running down my curves, driving me insane
Drenching my soul, captivating chance, waiting in vain
Leaving me aloof, oh connoisseur of your deplorable game

Poetry by Michelle Panter
Read 1529 times
Written on 2006-09-21 at 10:54

Tags Love  Hurt 

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Zoya Zaidi
And your poetry is like
Balm on a troubled soul...
Like a fresh breeze
On a hot summer day.
Like a whiff of perfume
On a sultry musty day.
Like a cool loving hand
On a troubled brow...

You are a poet true
And I welcome you on the bay!


Love, Zoya

keith nunes
it has a real depth of spirit and it moves from place to another - emotional

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh so true and a beautiful first text well done on the poignant visions welcome to the bay rgds mike