I am the death of all good taste

I am the death of all good taste,
the dark dying that feeds all your fears
for gory words and murky ideas
where no quirky princess lurks,
where there is no teddy bear god
to squeeze in public for easy praise,
no self righteous smirk to unfold,
no story, no moral, just a bone.
I am the death of all good taste.

Poetry by Bob
Read 1827 times
Written on 2006-09-23 at 16:03

Tags Death  Dark  Lurk 

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To jinx:

Cut away all illusion!!
All cute and rosy intrusion
that plug the drain with candy.
Words are more than seasoned brandy.

To Zoya

But, dear friend, you miss my aim
this is the subversive side of my claim,
that doesn't agree with cute surface dreams
that dare not look beyond what seems
to dance with the shadow we all carry,
the counterpart of all that we want to marry.

Zoya Zaidi
You are the most stylish poet I know,
What happened to you what is your woe?
Why must you be so dejected and sad,
To say such rubbish, for you it is bad.
You are alive and so is your taste,
Poetry you have created won't go waste;
Don't be down and certainly not out.
You are a fine artist, there is no doubt!

(((hugs dear Ben))))

This is not how I pictured you come back!

Welcome back!
