I have a knack for losing things. My friend told me to say a chant.
"Tony, Tony come around, somethings lost and must be found." After I say the chant, I say the name of the item I have lost. It has worked! My muse is on vacation, i fear.

Tony, Tony Come Around

When I look for you and you are here...

My head spins, my heart flutters,
my knees shake, my voice stutters
my palms sweat, my feet tingle
my belly gurgles, my feelings mingle

When I look for you and you're not there...

my head falls, my heart stops
my knees buckle, my voice drops
my palms close, my feet shuffle
my belly moans, my life is muffled

Where are my keys Tony?

kathy lockhart

Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 666 times
Written on 2006-10-07 at 22:37

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Christian Ward
you could have swallowed them whilst looking at the stars, neck arched like a crane's.

it's possible, y'know?

All must disappear for a minute, to re-emerge stronger than ever before!!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a lovely poem Katherine and so like you lovley imagry well done rgds mike

what a hoot!!this write:))
oh I did howl!!!lol:))))
a laughed infact!!:)
love ya

Zoya Zaidi
I was falling asleep on my lap top your perfect piece Woke me up!!!!!!!!!!!
They are on the bathroom widow!
Got them!
How about the dressing table?
Oh yeah, you left them in the car last night!
See? I told you!
Love Zoya

keith nunes
what a great poem kathy. you infused it with so much emotion and tenderness. really cool!

Phyllis J. Rhodes
How wonderful! You have captured perfectly all the feelings you get with both results of hunting for something important that you have lost. You've put it in a captivating rhyme that is certainly giggle worthy. Heck, I laughed out loud!

:-D Written with the charming humour that is so typically yours!
I wonder if the Tony chant could find its origin in St. Anthony, who in the Catholic tradition can be invoked for help to find lost persons and things

you are a talented woman. this creates a scene - a light goes on. you're good. pleased to have come across this piece of writing - kathy lockhart.