Nothing else matters


Now , as I rest my head

On your every word

Tomorrow seems not so deadly


Internally every organ is misplaced

Names are misspelled

Gunsmoke rise from our every wish


Eclipses in thousands can not make me feel you less

Less than I feel my own blood

So what , if the world has come to an end       and

Events of disaster continues to happen          and


Monsoons are made from our embraces

And storms are formed from our kisses           and

Tears burn river dikes deep

This can not make me feel you less

Even as ground gives away under the weight of our faith   and

Rivers of magma melts our bones          because  

Soon my love , you say , soon  there will be a place for us

Poetry by Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1783 times
Written on 2006-10-08 at 13:04

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It is like beauty in dissonance. I love this piece. Thank you for sharing your work !

and she rests her head on my shoulder and she says to me that she loves me and I say "baby why don't we run away" .. just an excerpt from your favourite song to soothe that broken in you. Fight on sweet girl , fight on .

Monsoons and storms my sweet. I drink to that...

Kathy Lockhart
Oh beautiful, beautiful daughters how I have missed you. This sings to me like a choir of angels. I am enchanted. mother

a wonderful text of love, pain, longing and hope.
It's a joy to see you're back here with us!

Really good!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there Emelin this is a wqonderful acrostic and nice to see you back rgds mike

I have no words.
Absolutely brilliant!

Rgds, Richard