



it is before morning when I hear you calling

I turn my head

and find your mouth  open with light

illuminating this very last hour


now   as I watch it unfold

the beauty of our failures

holds the image of our hands

in water

I lie still and let the tide

erase the structure

line by line

until the mirror opens up

And there is nothing left to hold



Poetry by Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1335 times
Written on 2015-05-08 at 17:00

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This is so beautiful.

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
Very nicely written. It sounds like a true departure cleansed by water.

This, but especially the second stanza, is as evocative and tender and beautiful as anything I have read in a long while. You've managed to find the words to inform and illumine your sensibility, which we all strive to do but often fail.

Maria Silvia
Which experience to follow your thougts
Like a dream or a hallucination

"it is before morning when I hear you calling
I turn my head"

i know this feeling

Such simple complexity I love:)