something i wrote down during a high fever....

My decisions!

-Who the hell are you giving me advise?

-I understand what you are going through and it's no simple choice, what you choose here today you have to live with many months to come.
But i want you to know that you are not alone, it may seem like it but many others have gone through before you.

-My life! My decisions!

-And noone else have the right to give their point of view? Learn from other peoples mistakes and...

-NO! My life, my decison! Are you deaf!??

-Ok, im sorry, but i still think you should choose the white shoes...

Poetry by Patrik Lind
Read 1167 times
Written on 2006-11-11 at 13:56

Tags Humor  Comedy  Decision 

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Amanda K
Dear Pat,
it was scary to read at the beginning but later was witty.

all the best,