The Piper

Everyone knows the story
Of the Piper of Hamelin
However, what most do not know
Is that he is piping still.

He hovers over all the world,
Watching, silent as a ghost.
His cape he spreads like two large wings,
His instrument ready at his lips.

His cue is a child's last dying breath,
Captured by the Piper to swell his song,
And with that breath he pipes, Oh he pipes,
Calling to him the souls of the young.

"To me, to me, O children!"
He cries, to the children of the world.
His joyful song draws them close,
To follow him into that Other World.

The mothers cling to their babies,
But their breath no longer stirs.
For they have been lured and captured,
By the Piper, the Pied, Pied Piper.

He pipes the sons off to war,
He pipes them back again,
And always there are those left behind
Never to come back again.

Everyone knows the story
Of the Piper of Hamelin.
However, what most do not know
Is that he is the Angel of Death.

Poetry by Drav1d1an
Read 1058 times
Written on 2006-11-12 at 02:14

Tags Children  Death 

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