
I put my head down, clench my hair, and scream

I want this horrible life to be a terrible dream

It's like running and not being able to get away

You look behind you always fearing the next day

Tired but you have to keep running you can't sit

All you're doing is falling in an endless pit

Wanting to stop falling and hit the ground

Wanting to be the lost love that's finally found

Like being put on the top shelf and forgotten

Until your spirit dries and your soul starts to rotten

Poetry by Dark Angel
Read 464 times
Written on 2006-11-30 at 04:18

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hang on in there, I know exactly where you are coming from with this great poem. Third to final line a beauty indeed.

Truly inspired work,


wow..you are a gifted writer and loved the way
you expressed here..powerful read and this quote:

Until your spirit dries and your soul starts to wrotten

Expressive,moving and you tell it like it is
and thats what poetry is to express ones self
and I admire you for your honesty in what you
write as it is your heart and soul what you do
express and you have a strong voice too

wow beautiful, i want more, just beautiful, flowing, amazing, it was just wonderful, i can tell your passionate about what you write. I LOVE IT!!!! its how i feel, i wish i could express my feelings with the words and poeticness(not a word) that you used. GOOD WRITE!
