this one's for Paige...none of us can explain or escape our families

Fifth Sister

Honorary title
for admitting I care
And you sat there,
Tears in your eyes
As you hardened like
speed-dry cement
Building steel beneath skin

To rebuke, rebut
Throw it to those with
the gavel pounding
Assuming without knowledge.
You told me I should be
that which I was going to be
No-one's said that before.

What I would do for more
To be the protector,
Grow wings and flap the
bad wind far to the east
I would be the safety house
But generation gaps
just gape and gaze

So call to me
Now the chains link once more
For though you may not see me
Family ties still abound
My presence is still to be found
In my mind you'll always stay
My sister of the truth

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 946 times
Written on 2006-11-30 at 10:56

Tags Family 

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You never forget the leaves and branches of the tree