Some parts are true. Some exaggerated. Some outright lies.

Childhood Games

I bare my teeth
and I genuinely try
to look happy
as my lips tremble
at this foreign thing
that is an empty grin.

I remember dolls
that I beheaded
a long, long time ago
and Barbie's
cute little plastic dog
that melted when I played
"burn the witch"

I remember kicks
against my face,
and the taste
of a bathroom-floor,
as well as the teacher's
lack of self-control
when I fainted in class.

I was so many things
back then.
I was an antisocial, apathetic,
anorexic freak.
And I was proud.

And so I smile
with the glowing love
of self hatred;
I'm pathetic, but I'm all I have.

Poetry by True Words Embellished
Read 818 times
Written on 2005-10-16 at 11:25

Tags Pride  Loathing 

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Jag kommer ihåg när jag läste denna för första gången: Vi satt hemma hos min pappa och skulle kolla på film på malmöfestivalen sedan. Har inget med mitt omdöme för dikten att göra, men eftersom jag inte kan ge kritik så skriver jag något annat så alla engelsktalande människor TROR att jag gett dig värsta kommentaren. Självklart kommer jag ge dig 'betyg' också, bevisar vad jag tycker. Tjohopp.