A boxer's abbreviated life

His initial thoughts
Were OK,
But too many noughts
Meant a KO,
He had the panoply
Of A&E and ICT,
But his BP was low,
And the ECG
Was a body blow,
And in the stillness of AM
He had a clinical PM;
Upper cuts and lower cuts
To eliminate the ifs and buts,
And after his first bout
His life was counted out,
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 -
RIP and amen.

Chris Fernie,2006

Poetry by Chris Fernie
Read 530 times
Written on 2006-12-18 at 22:38

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
I don't know what a ICT is or for that matter an ECG (I do know about EKGs), I figured the rest out and think this is ingenious and darned entertaining. Sad though.

tony legba
Very witty!
Roger McGough eat your art out.
Hope this isn't true for Amir Khan.