sometimes i just stumble around trying to find words that either seem to hide or overflood my mind with puzzles pieces from a thousand unformed pictures.

Where Do The Words Go?

Where do all the words go?

Do they pack their bags and leave

not even a note?

Do they disappear without warning?

Are they battling on a field of incomplete thought?

Is there a place where they meet and conspire

to suddenly rebel and leave we writers in a hell

of ungraspable explanation and expression?

Where do they go? Do they hide in books, and journals,

and on crumbled pieces of rejected lines and stanzas

lying on uncleaned floors and untidy rooms of loneliness?

Where do they go?

I often find mine congregating and conspiring to disappear

and leave me desperate for their companionship.  Its a lonely

place when words walk out the door, slamming it in your face

and laughing at your foolishness and pain.

I think my words go deep inside that place I am so afraid to search...

The door to the deepest caverns of my soul.

They play cards there with my emotions dealing, shuffling, bluffing

until I fold my hand and walk away with empty pockets of peace. 

Kathy Lockhart


Poetry by Kathy Lockhart
Read 787 times
Written on 2006-12-22 at 16:51

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Excellent expression of thought!

And oh yes, I do recognize! ;)

OOooOOoo an exceptional write! Absolutely describes what writers feel at times. This is one of my favorite pieces. I just love it! :D
2006-12-24 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
"Do they disappear without warning?
Are they battling on a field of incomplete thought?
Is there a place where they meet and conspire
to suddenly rebel and leave we writers in a hell
of ungraspable explanation and expression?"

- love these lines, get my mind going all sorts of direction, which i like a lot :) another inspriring text from you feeding the imagination... love it very much :) *hugs* xx

Never a dull moment for the many Ideas that you have, nevertheless this was wonderful. You take me on a journey every time I read your poems. Good Job : )

~Aaron Rowe

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Katherine sweetheart

They are there all along and this text proves you lose non of your magic you skill is awesome

a splendid poem rgds mike

Phyllis J. Rhodes
you said it for all of us. you said it just right. you said it completely and and specifically and purely. thanks!

i still remember i lost my words when i was writing a poem for the first time, i knew them but they weren't coming onto the page, it was frustrating, mom you have chosen a beautiful conept to write on, very welldone , proud of you,

son : zee

Zoya Zaidi
They just go and hide in the 'gyri' and 'insuli' of the brain!
lol, too scientific!
Seriously, a lovely piece, beautifully executed dear Kathy!
((( hugs)))
love, Zoya

I too feel sometimes that I lose touch with language, with words...and it gives me a strange sensation of helplessness...You're right, it looks like a conspiration from time to time...

loved this write words of expression here!
love you