The topic of cancer

jade is a beautiful stone,
green as kryptonite, rare as alone,
making us weak at the knees,
marry me, please, marry me please,
and the moon pouts its lips,
wears makeup of white tulips,
and the sun burns soft peaches,
beachcombing on strange beaches,
we find ourselves trapped in pools,
a hybrid of heroes and fools,
and both parts cry into the breeze,
marry me, please, marry me please.

jade is a magical gem,
translucent as tears, holy as amen,
making us weak at the knees,
marry me, please, marry me please,
and the sun kisses the earth
as it did at our birth,
and the moon takes a deep breath
as it will at our death,
and we find ourselves as one
as what was is gone,
and both hearts cry into the breeze,
marry me, please, marry me please.

Chris Fernie, 2009

Poetry by Chris Fernie
Read 717 times
Written on 2007-01-17 at 20:34

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Amanda K
hhhhhhhhh, was funny.

keep it up,

A unique, fun, interesting read!

Rob Graber
An entertaining caprice. Thanks indeed to the intrepid and distinguished discoverer of a whole new genus!