Rustic boheme Paints to Dream

spreads her arms

to paint.

the puffy corpse like mask

gawks with wonder.

At the cacophony opus

of polaroids

pouring down from above

and nowhere.

At a slow dancing spin,

closes her eyes to see

the silence of flushed cheeks

that hide

humming pulses,

fevered breathing;

all evaporate

into a sigh.

Blocked out thin poesies

of cold sweat,

from an acrid chatterbox,

empty into bottles

of redundant indifference

and sensible paranoia;

to dissolve

and bleed hope?!

lurid truths regress

into dancing dandelions

on lopsided tutu's,

tangerine kittens

that serenade

cotton asters

knocking at the window

She paints

Her colors on flesh;

With jaded arrows

and gummy bears.

Poetry by irene
Read 727 times
Written on 2007-02-19 at 17:15

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