If we understood our worth as human beings created by God, the world would be a nicer place.

You are Special

You are special,
You must understand
There's not another like you
In this or any land
You are the only you
There will every be
You are the only you
And I am the only me
Each of us
Is the rarest of rare
Even identical twins are unique
Though they are a pair
Billions of people
Created throughout time
Some may look alike
They may even rhyme
But no two of them
Are exactly the same
God creates something new
No matter the name
They have a uniqueness
That is all theirs
And He remembers everyone
He even numbers our hairs
We have talents
We each have worth
We're not here by accident
He ordained our birth
You are valued by God
He created you
Should you not value
Yourself too?
Treat yourself
As God's special creations
Nurture you body
Your mind and your relations
Treat each other
With Godly respect
He loves you all
And it's what you should reflect.

Poetry by Phyllis J. Rhodes
Read 640 times
Written on 2007-03-06 at 18:44

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I always try to just be me! It seems eveybody wants to be like everybody else, but the best thing about getting to know other people is learning new things and hearing different opinions. Life wouldnt be as interesting if all people were too much alike.
Thanks for posting!

Very positive...

I really enjoyed this read....

Amanda K
such a message that everyone should apprreciate as reading this poem.ppl are losing contact with God and absorbed by what life is offering them.thanks a lot 4 sharing your thoughts.worths reading.all the best from my side


I agree Phylis, I wish more would see their own uniqueness instead of chopping themselves up and around to suit others warped views. When i adopted my first child, the midwife who came because we had him from birth, surrogately through a family memember, called him special, which I didn't like and nor did he, he was special, but as an individual, not because he was adopted. He is still very special to me and his bro's. thanks for this phylis, smiling at you, Tai