loving something does not keep it alive.

The Tulips All Have Died.

streetlights kept us up
at night, so we picked flowers,
pressed petals under

your tires. you called
me your beautiful spring girl
and i hoped nothing

would ever change, but
summer came and your car seats
were too warm to sleep

on. fall came after
and the leaves turned red and gold
and we found out that

your engine froze in
winter, frost covered the glass
and our lips turned blue

these seasons will keep
changing but everything else
will remain the same.

you will be dead and
I will wake up at night with
streetlights in my eyes.

Haiku by Inked.
Read 1751 times
Written on 2007-03-09 at 03:52

Tags Death  Seasons  Cars 

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1. i like the car motif lately. it's really different, coming from you, but i like what you are doing with it.
2. i like the haiku suite idea! ;]

Rob Graber
Interesting and suggestive... I like to think its all about the car

a beautiful poem and I enjoyed the form it has ..... it makes a rhythm come alive and makes the words stand out sending there message across excelently...

well done

best wishes

Zachary P. B.
that's a beautiful thought - how that moment lives and changes and dies... i think now i know, before i couldn't fully understand your poetry, because i hadn't experienced death or loss. this is really good.