
Your lips, your eyes, your soul
Are like a work of art,
The most creative thing of all
Is your beautiful heart.

If you were a painting,
No colours could express
The beauty deep inside you,
A rainbow, nothing less.

If you were a sculpture
The clay could hardly make
Your figure of an angel
Without one mistake.

If you were a euphony
No choir could really sing
All the beautiful music
Your eyes could possibly bring.

So here I am, an artist,
With inspiration beyond belief
But to capture such rare beauty,
I'd have to be a thief.

Poetry by Yummy_guy
Read 1331 times
Written on 2007-03-11 at 07:20

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Clever yet simple - I like it..

Wow, I realyl liked this poem. It gave me a very clear image in my mind!!! It is very well written and flows nicely.
Its great!!!
Thanks for sharing

its a great poem
i wish that someone could think of me that way

Amanda K
what a soft poem that makes any heart dance.

thanks for sharing it