For Cindymac and all who have burdens

Heavy Loads and Days of Light

The load is heavy, it's so heavy I know
But where can you go, where can you go?
You can fight against this life with all your strength
And nothing you do makes it shorter or adds length
It just keeps coming at you,
you can't slow it down or speed it up
You have to take it as it comes,
drink whatever is in its cup
It feels like you are fighting
without a weapon to help
You look all around and and wonder,
were is everyone else?
One day you think,
"I can do this, I believe."
The next day you say,
"I can't, I must leave."
"I have no weapon to fight the whole world,
Look at the weapons the enemy has hurled.
They have struck me
and stuck me
and cut me to death
All I want now
is to lie down, and rest."
And then you fall,
too tired to cry out,
Too drained for tears,
too hollow to shout.
Those kinds of days
come at you so strong
You think that's all there will ever be,
but you are so wrong.
Better days will come,
they will pop up unexpected
A smile will come at you
and you'll be infected
With the love behind it,
and need of your's too
And then another face will smile,
and the day won't be so blue
Someone will tell you,
they like having you around
Someone will show you
where strength can be found
And you will decide
you can make it through
And you will decide
you can do it, and you do.
Be sure you know,
hard days will return.
But you will face them,
with lessons you've learned.
You will face them with knowledge
they won't stay forever
You will face them prepared
like you face stormy weather
They may come as a test
So you might be blessed
They may come from the enemy
To make you flee
No matter why they come,
you will fight them hard
and grow weary at best
But be of good cheer my child,
God said, "Come to me
and I will give you rest."

Poetry by Phyllis J. Rhodes
Read 662 times
Written on 2007-03-15 at 17:29

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