They think we're all the same?? Haha. - I thought I'd write some comedy. :) - 16 November 2005

All the same.

Oh – she loves to play,

She just wants to be your mate,

She wants to share with you –

Another girl we can relate.

They say man is all the same,

They say it’s our game,

Although perhaps it could be true

Are we really to blame?

She tickles our stomach –

Tickles our minds,

It’s not about the look,

They want us to cook.

They want the best we’ve got,

But football does come first...

And the beer does come after,

A romantic evening she does desire,

And roses on her duvet.

But to push her and let her lay,

Is how US men want to play!

Poetry by John Ashleigh
Read 1352 times
Written on 2005-11-16 at 17:45

Tags Comedy 

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Doreen Cavazza
Hehe. This brought a chuckle. Very cute. :)