the wall in my head, the stone in my heart

There's a wall in my head.
Telling me to stop.
To put an end to all.
Hating me for being happy

That's the reason why I'm me
I have a stone for a heart.
Because of my brain.
I can't let anyone too close,
For too long.

It has to stop,
But I don't know how.
Tell me, you who know me best

You know how I think
You know how I feel
You know me
And that's all there is.

The wall is getting bigger
Blocking more and more
Making me keep secrets
Hating my heart.

My heart is getting colder.
It doesn't care anymore
It closes everything
Don't let anything near.

It feed up with breaking apart.

Poetry by heartbrokenone
Read 593 times
Written on 2007-04-30 at 17:30

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Joe Fern
Reading this struck a chord somewhere inside me. I often feel the same. its as if the closer i get to someone (in any relationship of any kind) , the faster i lose them.