
How come it has to be like this,
All the pain, the suffering,
The tears..

It turns wormt cold,
A heart turns to ice,

Nothing can melt it,
Nothing can heal,
Nothing can cure

It's useless
Has to be like this

She's called the iceprincess.
And she hates it.

It makes her colder,
Hardens the ice surrounding the heart
Making it impossible to find a cure.

It's her friends,
Her family
The closest to her

They made the ice,
They created the iceprincess

She once was warm and innocent,
A bitchy coldhearted little demon she's become

Poetry by heartbrokenone
Read 717 times
Written on 2008-03-21 at 12:35

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Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
Everything is possible under the heat of the sun. The once coldhearted can be warm again. all you have to do is to let it open again. You can do it.I believe you. It is not late to do it. Good outlet of innerself feeling. Let it out and be free. Thanks for sharing.