Good Times

The sunset,
probably the most romantic time
of the day,
imagine sitting there with
a girl you love and just sit there
and watch the sunset,

that is when you realize
how lucky you are to have a girl,
you get chills in your body because
of the sunset and the beatiful girl
sitting next to you,
my man, that is what i call life,

all the good times you experience
through life,
that is what keeps me going,
the good times with your friends,girlfriend
and family,

all the laughter and party's,
everybody should experience it,
enjoy life my friends and family,
like me and my friends does,
you won't regret it,
that i can promise you

Poetry by Alexander
Read 852 times
Written on 2005-11-18 at 18:02

Tags Happiness  Good  Happy 

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