to my dear x-boyfriend, who loved me for who I am and always understood me. I'll love you forever (in my own sick and twisted way), but you'll never know how much.

my last memory

You tear my heart out
again and again.
But it doesn't matter.
You've killed me
time after time.
It doesn't matter.

It's still not over,
not for a long time.
'Cause you will always be mine.
Although we let go.

My heart is turned off,
and you are the last memory.
It can't be deleted,
can't go away.
You will always be mine.

The heart is turned off,
but I still live,
I live on the last memory
the memory of you
that's why I keep playing,
keep living...

You will always be my last memory
you can't be deleted,
always a part of me, always mine,

I love you forever

Poetry by heartbrokenone
Read 545 times
Written on 2007-09-02 at 22:13

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