Not really breaking cover :-)

Just four short poems with a similar theme.

Lazy thoughts

I am ancient
I am rock
grey, yet not subdued
a monolith that stands in time
waiting for a dawn a new
until man has fed its feverish heart
and finally slipped beyond my view.

Let's sit on the roof of the lazy day
and juggle with the meaning of truth
should i turn the other cheek
and give my eye for yours
or is that book just an elaborate spoof
i commend its meaning
but condemn the preening
of those who laud it as proof
to justify their actions
just like any other faction
when ramming their dogma
it really is quite uncouth.

I used to think it so mattered
where my ashes would be scattered
but now i am really quite aloof
for when all rocks are sand
and they have played their final hands
who will give a toss about me or you.

From the car into the bar
i will live my life as deemed
though everyday tastes just as sour
protecting my dreams like everyone else
as we blindly sell our lives - by the hour.

© Rik - 13/09/2007

Poetry by Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 718 times
Written on 2007-09-13 at 19:18

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
the "cherry-ness" is really overwhelming... really knocks one over ;)

the 4 shorts work well together i find... the thoughts come in and settle in my mind... though lazy isn't the impression the words leave for me... observations on life, and perhaps how we place importance on things that are simply trivial when really taken into consideration ... that's one of my thoughts reading this... but there are many ideas and put together like that, really makes it enjoyable and interesting for interpretation... good stuff, oui monsieur ;) :* *hugs* xx

Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
I used to think it so mattered
where my ashes would be scattered
but now i am really quite aloof
for when all rocks are sand
and they have played their final hands
who will give a toss about me or you.

You have described something that so fits how I feel - except I can never describe it as succinctly as this - wonderful to read your poetry here.

Elle x

Zoya Zaidi
Enchantment, thy name is Rik!
Thrilling as usual!
Love, Zoya