A few weeks after our honeymoon.

In rose waters

Just above your head
Is a wisp of cloud
I like to bring down

On top of a craggy vanilla mountain
Are a hundred mewing balled-up Dalmatian cats
I gave you yesterday

When you wear white with beige danglers
Tie your hair high up on your head and show me your naked neck
I turn burnt sienna

'I love you'
'You are my ghost'

The sea of golden crystal lilies
In the palm of your eyes
Is why I have stopped watching sunsets

'Am I an outline?'
'What if you are?'
'Then whom do you love?'

Didn't you know
I spent last night on the moon
Looking for you?

Honey over charcoal is the dawning sun
Seeping through the reluctant ebony sky
Under which I search for your arms and kiss you awake

Round the corner of your effortless hip
Is a valley
Where I often take a walk

Shooting from your cheeks
Are sparklers
That die softly at my feet

'I want to live now'
Is the reason I tell you
'I don't want to die'

Poetry by Arranging_words
Read 1057 times
Written on 2005-12-28 at 09:09

Tags Love  Sun  Kiss 

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Great, beautiful words, with a touch of spicy surrealisms that make this poem very tasty!