creative writing: an 'extended metaphor' poem.
can you guess?

(my baby.)
someday i'll tell them, i always loved him, but it was always too late.

Baby Boy - The Prince.

so fragile, yet solid and
assured, you soothe me while
poisoning my blood. i
keep you close to my heart; i
turn to you in the worst times, the
best times; we light one another
on fire. pulling you to my
lips, i tremble to breathe you in, but
you curl yourself around me,
hold me so close and soft, intoxicating,
comforting. standing on my father's porch,
i let this gentle, illegal touch
drift me away through the stars.

Poetry by MiVidaDeEpílogos.
Read 1120 times
Written on 2008-04-15 at 03:45

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Kathy Lockhart
i am thinking maybe some drug. perhaps pot or heaven forbid crack or meth. I hope not. I hope it's only make believe especially on the crack and meth.
I could be completely wrong on everything but that's my thoughts on this very intoxicating and interesting poem. : )