when winter did its comeback

your silence,
turns into my silence.
the rythm of our breahting just pound all of that insight out of my head.
my words crumble and fall,
like the crows outside my window,
they just melt into the night.

i try to focus on anything but the pain,
that oh-god-if-i-could-feel-any-worse-i-would-rather-die-staggering feeling in my stomach.

but all i can think is,
"wow, i didn't know i had that birthmark".
gazing down my left arm,
a second it seems like it's melting.
the whiteness of my skin falls onto the floor
disappeares among the books i'll never read
it dies,
just like the warmth of my feet a chilly sunday morning

it's those little details that somehow slipped past me.
how your eyes turned into a darker shade of green,
like somewhat discoloured trees,
with their branches, despereatly reaching for the sun.

winter did a remarkable comeback.
an army of clouds marched above our heads.
releasing their bombs.
little white fluffy things, enough to keep my feet as cold as my eyes for two months.

it's as if the sky just opened up,
but no angels tumbled down .
and their words of wisdom,
remained as lost as your words of comfort.

Poetry by crushoftheyear
Read 675 times
Written on 2006-01-24 at 19:53

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So much pain

ah, I like this ne, the words, and the ending was really nice. good work!

Hi ! .. Wow ! ... I like this ... Good read all the way through . Good context .... Cheers ! ..... Glen ( GB )